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The European Association for Sports Dentistry was founded in Paris, France, by Sports Dentists.

Our common ground was our findings that athletes have a neglected  and underestimated Oral Health. We also share the same ideas about the Sports Dentistry development through customized screening and treatment protocols, research and epidemiology. We now have all the necessary scientific evidence available proving that the Oral Health is a major risk factor for athletes' injuries and it directly influences their performance.

EA4SD and its members have actively participated in the publishing of the World Dental Federation (FDI) first ever Sports Dentistry Guidelines and Toolkit, placing the oral health in sports in a global agenda.

EA4SD is officially affiliated with the Academy for Sports Dentistry USA (ASD) and the European College of Sports and Exercise Physicians (ECOSEP) and this gives us the responsability of shaping the International Sports Dentistry policies and integrating oral health in sports.

Our partners associations from different countries and our individual members are actively participating in the international development of sports dentistry. We are proud of our members scientific publications, research and teamwork that leads to an exciting international network of sports dentists.

EA4SD and its members are present to all major International Sports Medicine events including the Isokinetic Conferences and ECOSEP Congresses. At the same time, our members are active in the academic level, organizing sports dentistry courses at dental faculties and introducing this innovation to dental students.

Our goal is to join our experience and ideas in order to define and develop the important relation between Dentistry and the exercised human body just as any other Medical Specialty relates in Sports. Our vision is to make Sports Dentistry be a part of the multidisciplinary Sports Medicine science.

Our mission is the promotion of Sports Dentistry and its importance on the general health, performance and injury risk, at the level of individual athletes and sports organizations (local, national and international) as well as the development of strategies of Oral Health prevention by education and information. 

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