EA4SD News

Wednesday, 19 June, 2024
It is a great pleasure to announce the ECOSEP & EA4SD Interdisciplinary Committee of Sports Medicine and Dentistry. The members of this committee are both Sports Physicians and Dentists and the goal is to promote the interdisciplinary character of Sports Medicine in International level.
Tuesday, 19 March, 2024
"A Journey In Time". EEATHLO organizes a great event at the Ancient Olympia, Greece, the birthplace of the Olympic Games.

Thursday, 29 February, 2024
The EA4SD is present at the 7th IOC World Conference On Prevention Of Injury And Illness In Sport. A Workshop (Alessandro Nanussi, Mohammed Alsaey), an Oral Presentation (John Haughey) and a Poster (Peter Fine) will showcase the importance of oral health in sports, just before the Paris 2024 Olympic Games!

Wednesday, 13 December, 2023
We are very happy to welcome the Asociacion Española De Odontologia Deportiva, AEOD to our European Sports Dentistry Family as an EA4SD official partner.

Friday, 2 September, 2023
The 1st Greek Sports Dentistry Conference will take place in Kyparissia, Peloponese, in 8 8 to 10 of September 2023
For registration and more info please visit
More info

Tuesday, 27 June, 2023
The Universal Dental Examination in Sports Protocol was created as an international project between the European Association for Sports Dentistry (EA4SD) in Europe and the Academy for Sports Dentistry (ASD) in the United States and it is now published at the Journal of Dental Traumatology. It is available to all dentists and physicians around the world. Both EA4SD and ASD are officially adopting this screening protocol and encourage all their members and the international dental community to use it. This is a milestone for sports dentistry and sports medicine and a unique stomatognathic screening tool.

Thursday, 11 May, 2023
The Academy For Sports Dentistry Symposium, in Nashville USA, June 21-24 2023 is one of the few opportunities in North America for sports dentist to come together and share their knowledge and enthusiasm for the treatment and prevention of dental trauma and sports dentistry.
see the programme
more info at

Monday, 20 March, 2023
Sports Dentistry will be present at the Isokinetic Conference, London, May 27-28-29, 2023 with a Workshop and 3 presentations. Join the Conference, benefit from the reduced registration fees (for dentists: 490£ instead of 790£) and learn the latest scientific evidence about sports medicine and dentistry.
For registration, email at
More info

Wednesday, 15 March, 2023
The Greek Sports Dentistry Association EEATHLO announces the organisation of a round table at the Conference "Health & Sports" organised by the Greek Ministry of Sports, Medical and Dental Associations of Crete, on Saturday, March 18th, 2023
more info at www.sportsdentistryhellas.gr/
Monday, 13 March, 2023
The German Sports Dentistry Association, DGSZM, announces the Sports Dentistry events organised in 2023.
see the programme
more info at www.dgszm.de

Thursday, 8 December, 2022
It is great to announce the affiliation between the EA4SD and the Isokinetic Conference 2023, London, UK that gives the opportunity to dentists to submit their abstracts for oral presentations and posters and benefit from a special rate registration of 490£ instead of the normal rate 790£.
More info

Thursday, 15 September, 2022
The 35th International Congress of the Italian Association of Gnathology is taking place in September 22 to 24, in Milano.

Monday, 29 August, 2022
3 months before the FIFA World Cup 2022 in Qatar, experts from around the world discuss about Oral Health in Football, on Monday 29th August, in Aspetar (online event)
Registrations: www.aspetar.com/en/professionals/our-events/oral-health

Friday, 10 June, 2022
The Academy for Sports Dentistry 2022 Symposium will take place in Portland, USA, 14-16 July 2022.The Annual ASD Symposium is a forum for dentists, physicians, athletic trainers, coaches, dental technicians, and educators interested in continuing education and exchanging ideas related to Sports Dentistry and the dental needs of athletes at risk to sports' injuries.
More info

Tuesday, 10 May, 2022
We are very pleased to announce that the XXIX Isokinetic Medical Group Conference will take place in 4-6 June 2022. You are welcome to join the Conference where +1500 delegates, 200 leading speakers and Pro athletes will meet in Lyon, France! All the EA4SD Members are entitled to a special rate 390€ (normal rate 890€)

Tuesday, 23 November, 2021
We welcome ÖGSZM, the Austrian Sports Dentistry Society as Official EA4SD Partner.

Tuesday, 23 November, 2021
We welcome EEATHLO, the Greek Sports Dentistry Society as Official EA4SD Partner.

Monday, 22 November, 2021
The new EA4SD Board and Executive Committee had their first meeting following the 2nd EA4SD International Symposium in Athens, Greece. We congratulate and welcome Prof. Marc Engels-Deutsch as the new EA4SD President, Thanos Stamos as Executive Vice President, Sophie Cantamessa as Honorary President and Tresurer, Florian Trombowsky as General Secretary, Jean-Luc Dartevelle as Vice-President, and Thierry Crouzette, Prof. Alessandro Nannussi, John Haughey and Markus Striegel as Board Members.

Thursday, 28 January, 2021
The EA4SD Board is very pleased to welcome the Associazione Italiana Do Gnatologia e Dolori Orofacciali, AIG as an official partner of the European Association for Sports Dentistry. AIG is specializing in gnathology, anatomy, physiology, morphology, TMJ and occlusion of the masticatory system as well as its neurological and muscular study.

Wednesday, 11 November, 2020
The SIOS Congress of Sports Dentistry will take place online on December 4-5, 2020.
For more info, please contact odontosport.Sios@gmail.com

Tuesday, 10 November, 2020
The DGSZM Congress of Sports Dentistry is already online since September 1st 2020 until March 31st 2021.
For more info, please contact

Wednesday, 22 July, 2020
The Consensus Statement about integration of Sports Dentistry in Sports Medicine is now published at the Journal of Dental Traumatology. A milestone set by the European Association for Sports Dentistry (EA4SD), Academy for Sports Dentistry (ASD) and European College of Sports and Exercise Physicians (ECOSEP).

Wednesday, 22 July, 2020
The Dental Medicine article by Dr. Jean-Luc Dartevelle (et al.) is included in the latest book of the European Society of Sports Traumatology, Knee Surgery and Arthoscopy (ESSKA).

Thursday, 30 April, 2020
It is our pleasure and honour to welcome you as a distinguished guests to attend the 2nd EA4SD International Symposium in Athens, Greece, 19/20 November, 2021. The Symposium will take place at Megaron Athens International Conference Center (MAICC), a unique state of the art Hall, a landmark in the center of Athens, offering the finest facilities, stunning aesthetics and cutting edge technology. The Symposium is organized together with the 7th ECOSEP International Congress of Sports Medicine. The Symposium will bring an outstanding group of experts from around the world to provide specific research and knowledge in the field of Sports Science and Dentistry.

Tuesday, 14 April, 2020
The EA4SD board is very pleased to welcome the Societa Italiana Odontostomatologia dello Sport (SIOS) as an official partner of the European Association for Sports Dentistry network. The SIOS over the past years contributes enormously in Sports Dentistry development in Italy with research, courses and curriculum. The SIOS members are also welcomed as members of the EA4SD committees. We are now looking forward to further develop together Sports Dentistry in Europe and better integrate it in Sports Medicine.

Tuesday, 29 March, 2020
Dr. Rick Knowlton passed away on Wednesday, March 11th 2020. He was a dear friend, colleague and mentor to us. He was always a great support for the European Association for Sports Dentistry. Dr. Knowlton was the former president of the Academy for Sports Dentistry, he was an Olympic Team Dentist for the USA Field Hockey Team, involved with the Rheems Athletic Association and founder of the Elizabethtown Summer Volleyball program. 2013 elected to the American Football Hall of Fame and awarded for Outstanding Service to the Profession by the Academy of General Dentistry.
His presence and lecture in November 2019, 1st EA4SD International Symposium in Paris was more than inspiring. As EA4SD Family we will always remember him, and he will be greatly missed. Sports Dentistry has lost one of the biggest fellows ever.

Wednesday, 5 February, 2020
The German Association for Sports Dentistry (DGSZM) Sports Dentistry Congress will take place in Dusseldorf, September 25-26, 2020.
Monday, 16 December, 2019
The European Association for Sports Dentistry recognizes the need for the education of dentists about sports dentistry and encourages the development of Sports Dentistry Courses. Those courses need to meet certain criteria and standards in order to provide the dentists the best possible education. The EA4SD announces the "Criteria for an EA4SD Approved Sports Dentistry Course".

Friday, 6 December, 2019
The 1st EA4SD International Symposium at 6th ECOSEP Congress in INSEP, Paris, took place with a great success. The 3 sessions, 1 workshop and 20 international speakers presented the latest development of research, oral health in sports and injuries management. Dentists from around the world met in Paris for this unique Sports Dentistry event. ECOSEP and EA4SD made the integration of sports dentistry into sports medicine a reality!

Friday, 30 August, 2019
We are very happy to announce that the European Association for Sports Dentistry (EA4SD) is now officially affiliated with the Academy for Sports Dentistry (ASD), United States. Both EA4SD and ASD are now leading together the efforts for an even more efficient development and integration of sports dentistry worldwide.

Monday, 19 August, 2019
The World Dental Federation (FDI) and the American Dental Association (ADA) congress will take place in San Francisco, USA, September 4-8, 2019. During this congress, the new FDI Sports Dentistry Guidelines and Toolkit (by FDI Sports Dentistry Task Team : S. Dartevelle, S. Cantamessa, J-L Dartevelle, T. Stamos) will be officially presented. Dr Sophie Cantamessa (EA4SD President), Dr. Sophie Dartevelle (UFSBD President) and Prof. Tomotaka Takeda (Tokyo Dental College) will be the speakers of the Sports Dentistry lecture.

Monday, 24 June, 2019
The 37th Symposium of the Academy for Sports Dentistry successfully took place in Toronto, June 22-24. Dr. Elif Gunduz lectured about the "Role of North America and Europe on building blocks for the future of Sports Dentistry". The EA4SD was represented by Dr. Gunduz and Dr. Avgerinos, confirming the strong liaisons between EA4SD and ASD on the global development of Sports Dentistry.

Tuesday, 4 June, 2019
The EA4SD proudly announces its contribution to the first ever official publication of Sports Dentistry Guidelines and Toolkit. The elaboration of this was made under the World Dental Federation (FDI) and the guidance of Dr. Sophie Dartevelle who leaded the team of sports dentists experts and EA4SD board members Dr. Sophie Cantamessa, Dr. Jean-Luc Dartevelle and Dr. Thanos Stamos.

Friday, 10 May, 2019
The EA4SD proudly announces its 1st International Symposium, Sports Dentistry : From Innovation To Integration In Sports Medicine", which will be held in Paris, France, Nov 29/30, 2019. The Symposium will be together with the 6th ECOSEP Congress and will be hosted by INSEP.

Tuesday, 30 April, 2019
The EA4SD in association with DGSZM organized succesfully the Sports Dentistry Workshop at the XXVIII Isokinetic Medical Group Conference at Wembley Stadium, London. An in-depth analysis of medical issues regarding stomatognathic system's importance in sports. Dr. Cantamessa, Dr. Avgerinos, Dr. Gottfert and Dr. Stamos together with Dr. Dartevelle JL (INSEP) contributed to the first ever Sports Dentistry Workshop in the Isokinetic Conference.
Tuesday, 22 January, 2019
The EA4SD announces the European Association for Sports Dentistry Workshop at the XXVIII Isokinetic Medical Group Conference, 27-28-29 April 2019, in Wembley Stadium, London. The workshop will be an affiliation between EA4SD and DGSZM.

Wednesday, 2 January, 2019
Wednesday , January 2, 2019
The Sports Dentistry Workshop organized by the DGSZM will take place during the Quintessence Publishing ''7 Decades of Experience" International Conference, in Berlin, Germany, 10-12 January, 2019.

Monday, 17 September, 2018
The EA4SD board is very pleased to welcome the German Sports Dentistry Society (DGSZM) as a member-association of the European Association for Sports Dentistry network. The DGSZM over the past years contributes enormously in Sports Dentistry development in Germany with research, courses and curriculum. The DGSZM board members are also welcomed as members of the EA4SD committees. We are now looking forward to further develop together Sports Dentistry in Europe and better integrate it in Sports Medicine.

Thursday, 28 August, 2018
We are very pleased to announce that the World Dental Federation (FDI) has launched the Sports Dentistry Task Team to promote the improvement of the oral health of athletes around the world optimizing their well-being, performance and injury prevention. The World Dental Federation is leading the world in optimal oral health and brings together some 200 national dental associations and specialist groups in over 130 countries.

Tuesday, 17 July, 2018
The French National Team of football won the 2018 FIFA World Cup! Congratulations to the players, coaches and medical team as well as Dr. Sophie Cantamessa, who as a consultant dentist, reassured that the players' oral health was not neglected and all players went through dental screening during the pre-tournament medical assessment!

Tuesday, 19 June, 2018
Tuesday, June 19, 2018
The European College for Sports and Exercise Physicians (ECOSEP) establishes a Sports Dentistry Committee. The aim and scopes of this committee is the efficient integration of sports dentistry into the multidisciplinary sports medicine by developing research, education and scientific initiatives as well as common promotional projects with national and international sports federations and sports medicine associations.

Friday, 1 June, 2018
Barcelona, Camp Nou, June 2-4, 2018
Football Medicine Outcome, Are We Winning? Sports Dentistry will be present!

Wednesday, 8 November, 2017
5th ECOSEP Congress, Dubai 9-10 December, 2017
The final scientific program of the Sports Medicine event of the season, including 2 Sports Dentistry sessions.

Friday, 26 May, 2017
June 22-24, 2017, San Francisco, CA, USA
Sports Dentists from around the world annual meeting focused on the latest developments of Sports Dentistry including injury prevention, performance and global initiatives. Elif Gunduz and Athanasios Stamos, lectured about "Ortho planning of traumatized/hopeless teeth" and "Sports dentistry in Europe : The reality, the projects, the future".

Tuesday, 23 May, 2017
We are very glad to announce that the European Association for Sports Dentistry is now affiliated with the European College of Sports and Exercise Physicians.

Wednesday, 17 May, 2017
May 13-15, 2017, Camp Nou, Barcelona
Sports Dentistry was present with the Oral Presentation "Oral Pathologies : Findings and Impact on the Football Players' Health and Performance" (Athanasios Stamos, Sophie Cantamessa, Jean-Luc Dartevelle)

Monday, 26 September, 2016
29 September-2 October 2016, Ljubliana, Slovenia
34th FIMS Congress of Sports Medicine
Sports Dentistry Oral Presentation titled "Sports Dentistry and Athletes Health and Performance" (Athanasios Stamos, Dimitris Tsachalinas)

Friday, 16 September, 2016
September 23, 2016, Paris, France
U.F.R Dental Faculty, Paris, Sports Dentistry Session
Occlusion and intraoral protection of the athletes : prevention and rules (Sophie Cantamessa, Jean-Luc Dartevelle)

Tuesday, 29 September, 2015
October 2, 2015, Paris, France
U.F.R Dental Faculty, Paris, Sports Dentistry Session
Oral pathologies and injuries, long-term dental follow-up, prevention (Sophie Cantamessa, Jean-Luc Dartevelle)

Tuesday, 30 September, 2014
October 3, 2014, Paris, France
U.F.R Dental Faculty, Paris, Sports Dentistry Session
High level athletes, 3D radiographic examination, traumatology (Sophie Cantamessa, Jean-Luc Dartevelle)