The 2nd EA4SD International Symposium, Athens 2021
Dear Colleagues,
On behalf of the European Association for Sports Dentistry, it is our pleasure and honour to welcome you as a distinguished guests to attend the 2nd EA4SD International Symposium in Athens, Greece, 19/20 November, 2021.
The Symposium will take place at Megaron Athens International Conference Center (MAICC), a unique state of the art Hall, a landmark in the center of Athens, offering the finest facilities, stunning aesthetics and cutting edge technology.
The Symposium is organized together with the 7th ECOSEP International Congress of Sports Medicine. This will give us the chance to better integrate Oral Health and Sports Dentistry into the Sports Medicine field, include Dentistry into the modern interdisciplinary approach of the Athletes' health. The interaction with international sports physicians and institutions can only be beneficial for promoting the importance and contribution of the Sports Dentist in Sports Medicine.
The Symposium will bring an outstanding group of experts from around the world to provide specific research and knowledge in the field of Sports Science and Dentistry. We are confident that you will find the multidisciplinary academic program both enjoyable and interesting. We will all have the unique opportunity to learn from the latest research and scientific evidence in Sports Dentistry and be introduced in topics such as stomatognathic system, orofacial injuries prevention, posture, neuroscience, women in sports, myoskeletal injuries and return-to-play. A wonderful opportunity to broaden our scientific horizons.
We also invite you to meet colleagues from around the world. To discover Athens, the birthplace of democracy, the place where the phylosophy, medicine and sciencies were developed centuries ago. Today you can find a blend of creative energy, street art, famous and iconic monuments, museums, luxurious malls, fancy restaurants, the combination of the sea breeze and the sun. Make sure you'll have enough time to discover Athens!
The EA4SD welcomes you to this innovating International Symposium. See you in Athens.
Organizing Committee
Dr. Sophie Cantamessa
EA4SD President
French Football Federation
Dr. Thanos Stamos
EA4SD Executive Vice-President
Symposium Chairman
Prof. Marc Engels-Deutsch
EA4SD Scientific Vice-President
Dental Faculty of Lorraine,
Nancy, France
Dr. Jean-Luc Dartevelle
EA4SD Vice-President
Dr. Elif Gunduz
EA4SD Vice-President
Specialist for Orthodontics
Dr. Thierry Crouzette
EA4SD Board
Organizing Commitee
Dr. Stavros Avgerinos
DGSZM Hon. President
Dr. John Haughey
Prof. Alessandro Nanussi
University of Milan-Bicocca
President-elect AIG 2022
Dr. Marcus Striegel
DGSZM President

Athens Dental Association

Department of Dentistry
2nd EA4SD International Symposium Partners

The Venue
The Megaron Athens International Conference Centre is one of the finest and most technologically advanced conference venues in Europe. Situated in the city centre yet surrounded by its own extensive landscaped gardens, Megaron offers a stunning environment, exceptional aesthetics, cutting edge technology and unrivalled client service. Megaron Athens International Conference Centre is a landmark in Athens and is situated in the centre of a vibrant, modern city.
Scientific Committee
Prof. Marc Engels-Deutsch
EA4SD Scientific Vice-President
Dental Faculty of Lorraine,
Nancy, France
Dr. Thanos Stamos
EA4SD Executive Vice-President
Symposium Chairman
Prof. Athanasios Athanasiou
Executive Dean
Professor of Orthodontics at
Department of Dentistry,
European University Cyprus
Prof. Tomotaka Takeda
Tokyo Dental College
Department of Sports
Prof. Emmanouil Vardas
Clinic of Hospital Dentistry
School of Dentistry NKUA

Please note : For Registrations, Call for Abstracts Submissions, Workshops & Exhibitors Bookings, we use the 7th ECOSEP Congress online platforms

39-41 Lykavittou str, 10672 Athens
Tel:+30 2103668852
Congress email: info@ecosep21.com
Scientific Secretariat: scientific@ecosep21.com
Sponsors Secretariat: sponsors@ecosep21.com
url: http://ecosep21.com/home/

Thursday, 28 January, 2021
The EA4SD Board is very pleased to welcome the Associazione Italiana Do Gnatologia e Dolori Orofacciali, AIG as an official partner of the European Association for Sports Dentistry. AIG is specializing in gnathology, anatomy, physiology, morphology, TMJ and occlusion of the masticatory system as well as its neurological and muscular study.

Wednesday, 11 November, 2020
The SIOS Congress of Sports Dentistry will take place online on December 4-5, 2020.
For more info, please contact odontosport.Sios@gmail.com
Tuesday, 10 November, 2020
The DGSZM Congress of Sports Dentistry is already online since September 1st 2020 until March 31st 2021.
For more info, please contact